Pre-Prep's Sensational Science Morning

Pre-Prep's Sensational Science Morning was an exhilarating blend of exploration and discovery as the children delved into the wonders of science in their House groups.

Mrs. Mitchell sparked the day's excitement with a captivating assembly and an experiment involving Coca-Cola and Mentos, setting the tone for the day ahead!

Divided into their respective House groups, the children embarked on a carousel of engaging activities. In 1W they were crafting paper airplanes, gaining insights into the forces that govern flight. Then, they delved into the fascinating world of bubbles, experimenting with the effects of sugar on bubble formation. Under the guidance of Mrs. Pay, they unlocked the secrets of creating invisible messages and pictures using everyday household ingredients.

The adventure continued outdoors with a bug hunt in our outdoor classroom. Equipped with microscopes, the children meticulously inspected their finds, uncovering the hidden wonders of the tiny creatures around them.

Throughout the morning, the children not only explored scientific concepts but also fostered teamwork and collaboration working within their houses. It was an extraordinary celebration of science, filled with hands-on learning experiences and boundless enthusiasm.

Thank you to all the Pre-Prep team for their hard work creating such exciting learning opportunities!

Mrs Cooper, Head of Pre-Prep


Tagged  Pre-Prep