English Speaking Awards

The end of last term saw our Year 6 pupils participating in a new venture, the Marlborough House School Speaking and Listening Awards.

As so much of the children’s work will involve having the confidence to communicate their knowledge and interests in a variety of ways, particularly as they move up through the school and embark on their PSB work in numerous subjects, we felt this was an important element to focus on as part of our English curriculum.  It will help the children gain the skills, confidence and expertise required in giving presentations to their peers and others. Having taught both the LAMDA and English Speaking Board exam syllabi for many years, Mrs Atkins, HEad of English, acted as the assessor.

It was a great project, and everyone enjoyed an impressive selection of presentations across a wide range of topics from tropical fish, to rock climbing, snorkelling, Lego, sushi and Jennifer Anniston to name but a few.

Despite some understandable nerves, all the children who have done their presentations so far acquitted themselves very well and should be very proud of their achievements. They will be awarded certificates in a forthcoming assembly, together with receiving some written feedback advising them on their next steps. One or two children had to delay their talks until early this term due to ill health or time constraints so we look forward to catching up with them soon.


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