Razzle dazzle, glitz and glamour, pizazz and razzmatazz - the Year 1 and Year 2's Nativity had it all!
With a nod to a Strictly Come Dancing format, we were brilliantly entertained by Roman Legions, marching to their hit single Get on the Road, while the Nazareth Neighbours made dancing The Hustle look effortless. Hooves were tapping with the Shepherds' Conga, and Gabriel's Gospel was just … “heavenly darling”. Wisemen and their camels took on the Charleston (brilliant camel and mammal rhyme should have a special mention) with the dance of the Stars being, unsurprisingly, ‘cel-es-ti-al’. All rounded up with the whole cast from ‘Lights, Camel, Action 2. The Sequin!’ dancing the ceilidh.
Hosts hosting, judges scoring, costumes changed, lyrics learnt, positions held, air guitars tuned, sheep baaing, pointy toes pointed, glitter glued, gold, frankincense and myrrh delivered and Baby Jesus safely in Mary’s arms - so in responses to “Judges, can we have your scores please?” Yes, most definitely, 10 out of 10!
Mrs Willett, Year 1 Teacher