MHS Outdoor Classroom Day

"There's no wifi in the forest, but you will get a better connection"

As we approach Outdoor Classroom Day we couldn't be in a better position as so many MHS children have embraced the extra time to be outdoors.  We have seen so much amazing knowledge grow - whether it be recognising different bird songs, learning how to build a bug hotel, creating art with nature or identifying the wildlife around us.  

Outdoor Classroom Day is about seizing the opportunity to take a break from your screens, where possible, and connect with nature - even if it is to stop and be still for a while. This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and it is good to remember how good being outside is for our wellbeing and be reminded that the world is still out there.  Did you know that the average child spends just five hours a week playing outside, compared to a staggering 45.5 hours in front of a screen (and that is under 'normal' conditions)?

So on Thursday 21st May, you (children and adults alike) might want to complete one of the following:

  • Do a flower count
  • Make natural paint and create a masterpiece
  • Do some Andy Goldsworthy art
  • Get cooking, using natural produce
  • Or write a piece of reflection: What has the outdoors meant to you during homeschooling?
  • Have a listen to the poem - The Sound Collector by Roger McGough - what are your favourite outdoor sounds.  Why don't you write a version of The Sound Collector for outdoors?
  • Dress up in nature as part of Outdoor Classroom Day's Playful Nature initiative. You can find more here:
  • Build a camp for the MHS Camp Out!

There are lots more ideas on:

We would love to see what you do during the day, especially your #playfulnature dress up and your MHS Camp Out - please send your pictures etc. to

As we read about the news of sea turtles coming back to nest or bees and wildflowers thriving in urban areas we can think about the importance of nature and play for the children too.  If we let them explore the outside world, on their terms and in their own way then they take on a sense of environmental stewardship ... simply put connecting with nature means appreciating it and therefore wanting to protect it.  

“Open the door, go outside, is it a tree, a garden, a wood, or a magical land?”

Mrs Rebecca Reid, Head of Pre-Prep