It rained and it poured and then it had to stop because it was Camp Out! We couldn’t have been luckier as the weather held all evening long.
The children finished school and quickly located the ice-cream stall at the entrance. Next stop face-paint and tattoos. All enjoyed delicious BBQ hot dogs, burgers and pulled pork while the children had hours of inflatable fun.
An event like Camp Out is a huge team effort but special thanks must go to our kitchen team, our maintenance team (who worked hard in extremely challenging conditions!), Mr Little for his impressive story time improvisation and Mr P-C for expertly refereeing the tug-of-war, accompanied this year by the Old School Samba drummers.
Our ex-MHS D.J. Freddie got the dance floor going and glowing and the night ended in classic Camp Out style with hot-chocolate by the fire pit and a singalong accompanied by John Sabbage on guitar.
Many thanks to the Friends for all their hard work in organising another successful event (and the weather!) and special thanks to Holly and Rachel for all their hard work putting the event together.