The only thing better than a Forest School lesson is a Forest School DAY (complete with campfire cooking) and this week it was the turn of Year 4.
Team building, problem-solving and creativity was the focus for the day. The year group's Humanities theme for the term is 'settlements' and the children were initially set a task to build their own living spaces. The results were fantastic with all the Year 4 children demonstrating that they have the ability to create, design, collaborate and think originally: considering the best materials and strategies to protect themselves and their dwellings.
In the afternoon there was a busy buzz of activity as lunch was prepared, with groups of children chopping vegetables, making flat bread dough and measuring out hot chocolate. With the lunch bubbling away on a nicely stoked fire, Year 4's Mr Priddin accompanied a campfire sing-along on his guitar and everyone ate delicious flat breads which had been carefully roasted in a hot pan. All in all, it was an enjoyable, successful day.
Mrs Mathers, Year 4 Teacher