Staff Snapshot Interview with Mrs Mcewan

We are delighted to introduce our new Director of Music, Mrs Izzy McEwan. 

What inspired you to be a teacher?

I really enjoy the every day energy in the classroom.  It is one of the only jobs where no two days are the same and I can truly say I enjoy coming to work each day! 

Tell us about your path into teaching:

I did a Degree in performance at the Royal Scottish Conservatoire, playing the flute in various orchestras before being given the opportunity to train to be a teacher at Cranbrook School.  I loved teaching the moment I started, so have been in the classroom ever since!

What do you love most about teaching?

The positivity and sheer energy the pupils bring to each lesson.

What were you like at school?

Quite quiet and querky - but also sporty and musical.

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A paramedic!

What’s the funniest moment you’ve had in a classroom?

The one that always gets me is being called ‘Mummy’ by a mistake and then the giggles that erupt afterwards!

What’s the most important lesson you can teach?

Just be yourself, find your own path and don’t be afraid to be a bit different.

What has been the proudest moment of your career so far?

Spending two years at Marlborough College Malaysia, setting up the Music Department from scratch in a new place as I was there for their inaugural year.

What are you most excited about at Marlborough House?

Being a part of such a special tight-knit school where there are such positive relationships between pupils and staff.  Getting to know the pupils and seeing the smiles each day.

What makes Marlborough House such a special place to be?

The care shown for each child as an individual.  The staff really do know every child by name and are aware of the pastoral care they need.

Quick-fire questions:

Years at MHS: 3 Weeks

Clubs taken at MHS: Senior Choir, Junior Choir, School Orchestra, Music theory

Unusual fact: I really enjoy climbing trees!

Highlight of my day: Playing musical games as a reward at the end of a good lesson

The book I am reading: ‘Me after you’ by Lucy Brownlee


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