On Thursday evening parents gathered to hear about what Year 8 have been learning about in their PSHE lessons. It was an opportunity to get an insight into the classroom, as education has moved on since some parents were last in a classroom!
The Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) lessons are taught by a fantastic outside teacher, Yoan Reed, who has been coming into MHS to assist with RSE for many years. The Yr 8 students told parents what they have been doing, guided them through some of the activities they have done in class and how they helped them. It was interesting to see how the parents views on a range of related topics differed from the student views.
The parents that were able to attend came away enlightened by the talk and felt very proud of their Yr 8 children. It is hoped that the session will help to open up discussion at home as parental input is a key element of learning for this important topic.
Mr Kimber